If your graduate unit is interested in joining the Collaborative Program in Neuroscience, please complete and submit the SGS Governance Form D to p.neuroscience@utoronto.ca or cpin.director@utoronto.ca.
Each participating unit will contribute financially, on an annual basis, in scale with the participation of students from respective units in addition to a fixed departmental fee to CPIN. The annual financial contribution will be used to cover essential administrative expenses and program activities.
Each participating graduate unit shall retain its statutory control over admissions and home program requirements, and its statutory duty to provide adequate research supervision by a member of the graduate faculty in the unit. The home graduate unit shall recommend the granting of the degree.
Students in the Collaborative Program normally shall be supervised by a member of the Collaborative Program faculty.
Participating graduate units will include reference to the Collaborative Program in the SGS Calendar entry, on their department website, and in other related advertising of the home program.
CPIN faculty members shall remain available to contribute to the Collaborative Program through serving on the Program’s committees and participating in the annual CPIN poster day (including judging posters), symposia/workshops and other activities/events organized by CPIN.
It is agreed that the Collaborative Program shall be administered by a Program Committee consisting of one graduate faculty member from each participating Graduate Department (recommended by each Graduate Departmental Chair).