The Collaborative Program in Neuroscience (CPIN) at the University of Toronto serves to connect neuroscience graduate students and provide them with unique learning and networking opportunities. The CPIN Graduate Executives (CPIN-GE) is comprised of University of Toronto neuroscience graduate students who are also CPIN members.
The purpose of the CPIN-GE is to provide opportunities to CPIN students– beyond those provided by CPIN itself–for professional development. The CPIN-GE plans and executes functional yet informal events wherein CPIN students can connect with peers and scientific leaders. For example, the CPIN-GE organizes a regular, monthly event called Cortex Club. During said event, in an informal setting, students are able to meet fellow graduate students and prominent neuroscientists (who are invited to Cortex Club by the CPIN-GE) with whom they can have casual yet informed discussions on neuroscience and its related industries. Our goal, by holding these events, is to promote neuroscience-specific learning and networking in a way that is not achieved in lecture or lab.
Furthermore, CPIN-GE is instrumental in planning and executing the annual CPIN Research Day, an event where graduate students are able to showcase their research to all CPIN members. CPIN Research Day does not only serve as a medium for knowledge translation, but it is also a venue wherein CPIN members can network with faculty and senior staff.
The goal of CPIN-GE is to connect all CPIN members through events such as those mentioned above. Neuroscience research at the University of Toronto is diverse; some CPIN members explore this field through a very clinical lens, others conduct basic research in the neurosciences, while others study neuroscience ethics. Given the diversity of neuroscience research at the University of Toronto, CPIN members do not regularly connect with one another; many members work within their niche and are not exposed to other CPIN members and their research. CPIN-GE organizes events in which all CPIN members, irrespective of their backgrounds and research practices, can connect with peers and learn about their research. Therefore, the primary goal of CPIN-GE is to create a community that unites CPIN members, broadens their perspective on neuroscience, and furthers them professionally.
Importantly, with a growing interest in neuroscience at the undergraduate level, CPIN-GE also organizes and executes events in which CPIN members mentor undergrads with a budding interest in neuroscience. These events allow undergraduate students to gain more direct exposure neuroscience, and those who study it. Our goal is to mentor these students and provide them with a resource that can help them gain first-hand exposure to neuroscience and its various sub- specialities.